Friday, January 26

Sorry, no photos

We haven't been able to add photos to the posts I uploaded today. I hope to be able to edit them in tomorrow .

One more post, I think, unless we do a wrap on our return. Thanks for your interest; still avid reading all comments that a;re left


Anonymous said...

Your adventure is almost at an end... sigh!
Thanks for taking us along on your journey through your writing and your pictures.

Enzogopher said...

Guess What!!! This years animal is the giant wombat! YAY! Wombat!
Please write about Paris too!

Anonymous said...

Tch, tch, tch. You are behind the times - the expression is now "loopy cunts". Please stay with it. So you got a leather jacket? May I remind you that this particular fetish of yours has been brewing since another rainy day in Honkers many years ago.

Enjoy reading every word.
Love to you both D&P